We will also address issues related to the Amazon forest, and the consequences for the World of its disappearance.
As causas dos incêndios florestais são das mais variadas. Têm, na sua grande maioria, origem humana, quer por negligência e acidente (queimadas, queima de lixos, lançamento de foguetes, cigarros mal apagados, linhas eléctricas), quer intencionalmente. Os incêndios de causas naturais correspondem a uma pequena percentagem do número total de ocorrências.
The causes of forest fires are among the most varied. Have, the vast majority of human origin, either by negligence and accident (fire, burning of refuse, launching rockets, cigarettes erased evil, power lines), or intentionally. The fires from natural causes are a small percentage of the total number of occurrences.
A Amazônia tem hoje a maior biodiversidade do mundo. A biodiversidade porém não deve ser confundida com quantidade de animais relativa a metragem quadrada.
The Amazon rainforest known as the lungs of the Earth, the largest forest in the world, located in northern South America, where most are located in Brazil, has about 7 million km ² and has about 130 and 200 meters altitude, most of its 7 million square kilometers is made of forest that have never flooded.
The Amazonian soil is quite poor, with only a thin layer of nutrients. However, the flora and fauna remain in view of the state of equilibrium achieved by the ecosystem. The exploitation of resources is great, with the minimum of losses. Also, way to soil a layer of decomposing leaves, twigs and dead animals quickly recovered and converted into nutrients.
The Amazon currently has the highest biodiversity in the world. Biodiversity should not however be confused with amount of animals on the square footage.